Preschool Workshop

Preschool Workshop

CONNECT Education presents: Identifying and Addressing Learning Issues Early Jennifer, a young mother of three, recently met with me to discuss what she believed were some difficult character/discipline issues she was having with her preschoolers. (For example, they...
Back to School Tips

Back to School Tips

It’s that time again! The summer has sped by and the school year is upon us. Here are THREE tips as you head back into the new school season. Clean up that Gut! We all know sugar is a problem in our society.  It can be overwhelming to think about completely removing...
One Simple Step

One Simple Step

Maybe you’re like me.  Maybe you hear a great presentation, and you decide you’re going to jump in 100% – no holding back.  And maybe about day three into the new you (or sooner), you decide you can’t do 100%, so you drop the whole thing.  Or, maybe you plan to...
Event: Greeley Workshop

Event: Greeley Workshop

We are excited to be presenting our workshop on “Engaging Your Child’s Innate Visual Memory”. When: Saturday, April 22, 2017, at 1 p.m. Where: Calvary Chapel of Greeley (2602 27th St. Greeley, CO 80634) Hosted by: Home Educators Fellowship Workshop Description:...
Why Would a Bright Kid Dislike Reading and Writing?

Why Would a Bright Kid Dislike Reading and Writing?

Ethan* is obviously very bright. At 11 years old, he has an exceptional vocabulary, great sense of humor, and he expresses himself very well.  He even tests well above grade level in reading and math. (The reason I list this fact separately is that we work with MANY...