CONNECT Education presents: Identifying and Addressing Learning Issues Early

Jennifer, a young mother of three, recently met with me to discuss what she believed were some difficult character/discipline issues she was having with her preschoolers. (For example, they were having emotional meltdowns any time things didn’t go their way.) As moms, we want to be diligent in training our children. However, we also want to be sure we are not fighting the wrong battle.

Very young children are often trying to communicate to us that “something is not right” with their little nervous systems. Sometimes, as in Jennifer’s case, this shows up in dramatic behavior issues. But it may be more subtle. Moms may wonder if they are seeing early signs of attention problems and learning difficulties.

As Jennifer found, once she put these practices into place, the meltdowns disappeared.

Here are a few warning signs:

In speech, for example:

  • They are not talking as early as the other children.
  • They have a difficult time pronouncing some words (“busketti” for spaghetti, “mazagine” for magazine).
  • They have difficulty remembering colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week, etc.

In behavior, for example:

  • They have frequent “meltdowns” or anger outbursts, when things don’t go their way.
  • They have sensory processing issues – tags, noises, textures, etc. bother them.
  • They cannot seem to settle down for naptime.

At CONNECT Education, we work with many school-aged children to move these children from struggling academically to learning with ease. But we don’t have to wait until a child reaches six or seven years old to seek remediation. Thankfully, there are simple solutions that can help your young child now!

We love to offer this FREE workshop for parents, teachers, MOPs groups, childcare providers, etc.

We will be meeting tonight (Monday, October 16th) at 7 p.m. at the Smoky Hill Library to discuss our little ones. Please join us.